Life ever after

Kidnapped, Unpredictable

The Irish eejit, would he ever learn? When would he stop being too clever for his own good? Did he think no one would talk? Going to the imam .. saying he wished to convert. What would Father Sean have said? He’d have laughed himself sick. Condemn him from the pulpit. Imagining Padraig writhing and squirming in Hell for all eternity. Serve the Irish fecker right. That whiplashed arse burning him up ……


Kidnapped, Unpredictable

He’d brought it on himself, hadn’t he? Not enough that best mate Niall had gone out on a limb. Rescued him from the salt pits. A job fucking himself out of his wits. And still not happy? What was he thinking? Convert. Take on their heathen faith. Endangering his eternal soul. And then what? Stuck in Barbary land. What did he think? Dumb-arsed Irish eejit.


Kidnapped, Unpredictable

Best mates since forever, as long as they could remember. Like brothers. But they knew brothers who grew to hate each other. But this loving relationship, they had chosen. They had fallen out. When Niall started courting Padraig’s sister … He’d laid it on the line. And he meant it, he’d have beaten the sucker shitless. But of course Niall had done the right thing. As much out of love for this mate.


Kidnapped, Unpredictable

No one could accuse him of being dim, he had bags of nouse, plenty of common sense. He was hardly a slow learner. If that arsehole Johnson, back in the salt mines … if a mindless like that prick could do it ….? Even his Master, the pirate Captain, had done it. The heathens’ religion forbade it. No Moslem could be a slave.


Kidnapped, Unpredictable

He was in pain, hurting like he couldn’t remember. His Pa hadn’t spared the rod. That Johnson and crew hadn’t held anything back. But that pervert .. he’d laid into Padraig’s arse like a man possessed. How he walked back … he hardly knew. And what hurt just as much …. The final straw, the ultimate betrayal …. Niall had known …


Kidnapped, Unpredictable

That nightmare from the mines .. times with the English eejit and his fellow thugs …. it had dogged his steps, persued him over miles of desert. And trapped him on this table. He didn’t want to believe it, he’d didn’t want to think it was true. He still kept fooling himself .. he was going to do it with that gorgeous dark-skinned beauty. Convincing himself against hope. Though …..



What else was he supposed to think? It was only his second day. New at this life, new to the job. Fucking himself witless, demands made on his tackle that stretched even his young-male haughty pride. Reluctant to admit it .. but he’d have to put in some training to keep up the pace.
Last time he’d been like this, though .. back with that English eejit Johnson. Spread out on his front, legs splayed.


Kidnapped. Unpredictable

It worried them both that there’d been no news of Padraig’s sister in weeks. If it concerned Niall that he fucked girls for a living while his to-be-betrothed was close-by …. he seemed to have come to terms with that betrayal. After all, Padraig had tried standing up for himself. Look where it had got him. Business was thriving. Niall had set a trend. All Padraig had to do was keep up with the pace.